Friday, July 15, 2005

The gun, it was jumped

Okay, so I sit here with my face all red as I type this. Seems I didn't see where Sam said not to vote till next week. So to all of you who have already voted for me - THANK YOU!! And to all of you who haven't yet, I'LL LET YOU KNOW WHEN IT'S THE REAL TIME TO VOTE, lol.

Sam, are you going to throw out those who've already voted? I mean, I don't think they'd vote for anyone else....would y'all? (I did offer to pay you, you know....Remember? MasterCard? *nudge nudge*)

So during the overnight hours, Sam put up the newest nominees. Here they are!

Penda from Penda's Realm (and this is her blog, The Diner)

Lachlan from My So-Called Blog (I personally have read Lachlan since well, forever. She's bookmarked, but why her link is no longer on my sidebar I have no clue, but rest assured it will be fixed like, right now. Sorry, Lach!)

Keri from Under the Big Sky (How can I compete with someone whose job is "making people happy"?)

Julie from Lone Prairie (The link is to her blog, but there is much more at Lone Prairie!)

Pandora from An Offering of Myself to the World (The infamous Pandora!?! I feel my dreams slipping through my fingers...)

Aimee from Aimee's Blog (Sigh...Aimee's just too durn cute...)

Lee Ann from The Cheese Stands Alone (She has a rack and she's not afraid to show it.)

That makes like, 11 of us now. The vivid dreams I had all night long of reigning for a year as Miss RSJS seem so fuzzy and surreal now.

Too....much....competition.....must step up......funny blog.....

I will be making a new list of linkies over to the side so you can keep up with my competition. But if you are one of the ones I have so deftly handed over my MasterCard to, you better stick with your original vote.


Queen Of Cheese said...

Just remind me to vote whenever it's time because unless it's on the dayplanner in INK it won't get done. I've got some unsavory participants who need some cash if you need to dwindle down the competition....hehe!

Redneck Diva said...

As it gets closer to voting time, I'll get the names of those unsavory folks!

Anonymous said...

Girl, if it was just the first group only in the running, YOU would have walked away with it! We'll do the first round voting on Thursday, then final round on the Tuesday after that. Good Luck!

We....the people

Originally published in The Miami News-Record, July 2020 Everything is different now. I’m not just talking about masks and social distancing...