Kady's birthday is in December and Lab School is outnext week, so her teacher said she could bring a cake to school sometime before they let out and they'd celebrate early. Today I was up bright and early baking a big circle brownie for her to take. Cupcakes are usually the choice for preschoolers, but they like for you to bring a whole cake or big cookie or something, then the kids have to decide how to cut it so that everyone gets some. So after my durn brownie ran off the parchment because I poured too much on and my house smelled like burnt brownie (which isn't pleasant in the least) I ran in to get Kady dressed.
Awhile back I bought her a shirt at Old Navy that is pink and says "Future Diva". The child has more clothes than I have stretchmarks (and trust me I have a lot of stretchmarks) and she certainly didn't need another shirt, but my gosh, she is the child of Redneck Diva, so why shouldn't she have a Diva shirt? I mean really. So as we were standing in front of her closet, perusing the many choices before us I said, "Hey, why don't you wear your Diva shirt today?" She nodded enthusiastically and said, "Oh yes, Momma!" So I laid her little Wranglers and Diva shirt out with her socks and shoes. She flipped her shirt out flat on the bed, smoothed all the wrinkles out, arranged the sleeves out to the side and then leaned over the shirt, ran her index finger under the words as if she were reading, and said slowly, "Red...neck...Diva..."
So cute and looks just like you!
Aww, she is such a cutie pie!
Alyssa and I were talking about how cute she is!!!!
She's a very pretty little girl!
OMG, Kady is just beautiful. And obviously brilliant! And when you described her smoothing out that shirt? I saw a True Diva in the making!
How cute! Just like her sweet momma.
And burnt brownie does indeed stink a place up. *gag*
Now I feel a sudden urge for chocolate...
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