Thursday, February 03, 2005

I turned up in a Google search - who knew

Oh wow...I just accidently found the page that shows referrers to my blog. Yikes.

One was someone looking for a photo of the Peculiar Purple Pieman of Porcupine Peak. Understandable seeing as how I posted awhile back about my confectionary village and snow days of my youth.

One was just me showing up in a search for "redneck" Yeah buddy. I'm that for sure. Even if the title didn't blatantly state it.

But the last one was just icky. Icky I tell you. I see how it picked up my site, but IEW. I wish it hadn't.

Now I may very well become a slave to not only my counter, but my referring pages as well. I'm just too easy. Can anyone say "addictive personality"?

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We....the people

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