Tuesday, November 11, 2008


Now that I'm a stay-at-home momma once again I
am trying VERY hard to keep my house clean, neat, clutter-free and company-ready all the time.

With three kids, y'all, that is very hard to do. I found myself constantly picking up the kids' stuff and making a little pile somewhere in the living room and then yelling - I mean, gently reminding them - for the objects to be removed from my sight.

So one day while the little darlings were at school I got this brilliant idea. I took an old box, covered it in wrapping paper and then got out my trusty Sharpie marker - I created The Box of the Doomed.

It clearly states on the side of the box the fate of objects found inside.

Simply put - if I find it out of its place, I put it in the box of the doomed. After 24 hours, that object is destroyed. Plain and simple.

Now, instead of constantly gently reminding my children to pick up the things I've gathered throughout the day or after they've gone to bed, it just goes in the box.

Here's the really awesome part - I have yet to actually throw anything away. The kids check it in the morning before school for things I might find after they go to bed. They also check it as soon as they come in from school for things I find during the day. I'm also finding that over time, the amount of objects going into the box is less and less. Glory be, they are actually PICKING UP THEIR STUFF. Added bonus - they're looking out for each other and letting a sibling know if something of theirs is in the box.

Hey, it works for me.

Check out other Works for Me Wednesday posts over at Shannon's blog.


Shannon said...

I LOVE this. So much nicer than shouting, "I'M THROWING THIS AWAY!" which is my current method. ;)

Anonymous said...

Does this work for toddlers? ;)

Rena Gunther

Anonymous said...

This is a fantastic idea!!! I am so going to do this. I am always yelling too, and it totally stresses me out. I have 3 kids in grades 1 and 2 and they are so messy, so hopefully this will help out. Thanks!

Amy said...

There so is going to be a box of doom making an appearance in my house this week.

Thanks - you're awesome!

~ said...

Oh..I love this idea!

Lynn said...

Great idea. Sounds like it's working :)

Thanks for coming to visit my blog, btw. Your "roadkill" comment -- HA!

Sheila said...

I thought your post was going to be about television! :) Great tip!

Anonymous said...

haha love it!

Erin K. said...

Oh my word, you are a genius!!! Seriously. My daughter in only two so we haven't reached this stage yet, but you better believe I will file this away for the future.

Svr said...

Good idea. I have confiscated before but. This ever present make a subtle reminder

Mom2fur said...

You're pretty funny, and smart, too.
Can I assume 'destroyed' means 'donated to charity?'

Anonymous said...

I am SOOOO swiping this idea...

BTW, I leave for Disney in less than 40 hours...I'm just sayin'...

Anonymous said...

LOVE this idea-now I just need a box...

We....the people

Originally published in The Miami News-Record, July 2020 Everything is different now. I’m not just talking about masks and social distancing...