Thursday, February 19, 2009

A sign

You know you might've been sick too long when you wake up in the morning marveling at the fact that, however impossible it may seem, you feel worse than you did yesterday and the sudden realization that you are so cold you might just die at any second from the extreme coldness of the cold flowing through your veins that you grab the nearest article of clothing which happens to be your rattiest Eskimo Joe's sweatshirt that you vaguely remember wearing all day Tuesday but it doesn't matter that it's dirty, you put it on anyway because unbeknownst to you, roughly four hours from that moment you are literally going to wipe your nose on the sleeve and you won't even care.


GERBEN said...

Dang girl! I'm sorry to hear that you are feeling so bad. :-(

Anonymous said...


I hope you feel MUCH better, very soon!


Jill of All Trades said...

Yuck...stay far, far away. I'm so trying not to get any more cooties. Hope you feel better.

Anonymous said...

Awwwww....poor diva. I've never heard anybody explain sick better though. Feel better soon!

Shannon said...

Hope you start feeling better!

We....the people

Originally published in The Miami News-Record, July 2020 Everything is different now. I’m not just talking about masks and social distancing...