Thursday, February 05, 2009

C is for Cookie

Those of you who have read the blog for awhile know that I used to be a Girl Scout leader back in the day. When Abby was a 2nd grader and on up to 5th grade we met every Tuesday and talked badges and manners and crafts and community service and most importantly, once a year we sold .....


I was a Girl Scout from 1st grade up until I was a Sophomore so I did my share of cookie-selling as a kid and then managed and organized and watched helplessly as my house turned into a Keebler tree gone wrong as an adult. But man, it was worth it. The girls learned networking skills and I was bound and determined that my daughter would learn to count back change just like my momma taught me when I was a mere 4th grader.

While we're no longer involved in Girl Scouts, I do wholeheartedly believe in the organization and what it does to empower and strengthen the women of the future - our daughters.

That being said, The Oklahoma College Savings Plan website is running a campaign allowing Oklahomans everywhere to vote for their favorite Girl Scout cookie flavor.(Don't tell the Samoas, but I voted for the Tagalongs. I couldn't help it. The power of peanut butter is strong with that one.)

When you get to the ballot page you can read "speeches" by each cookie, extolling their very own virtues and why they deserve to be Oklahoma's Favorite Cookie.

In a recent press release Oklahoma State Treasurer, Scott Meacham, says,

"Oklahomans have until March 31, 2009 to cast their vote on the Oklahoma
CollegeSavings Plan website. The winning cookie will be announced on early April
in a ceremony at the State Capital and the Girl Scout who sells the most cookies
in Oklahoma will win $1,000 towards an Oklahoma College Savings Plan. The sales
contest ends on March 31, 2009."

So not only will a cookie forever claim bragging rights to being da bomb, but a Girl Scout gets money for college! Everyone's a winner.Check out the Oklahoma College Savings Plan website and cast your vote for Tagalongs your favorite cookie today!


Jill of All Trades said...

Oh my. I sold the things umpteen years ago. I'm still a faithful buyer and usually buy but my cousin takes the cookies that I purchase to the Day Center for the Homeless so they never grace my lips. Uh, this year I bought and plan on eating (sorry DCfH). My favorites are the Trefoile. I LOVE to dip them in my coffee...oh gosh it's extra time on the treadmill.

Anonymous said...

An AMAZING GS leader taught my kid to sew on buttons. Came in real handy the other day when the buttons came off her coat and I told her to just throw it on my "to be fixed" pile and she rolled her eyes and said she'd like to wear it before she outgrew it and put them on herself!!! How many 8 year olds can fix their own coats? THANK YOU!!!!

Anonymous said...

Never a girl scout but I do love their cookies! In fact, I think they will be delivered next week! YAY!!

We....the people

Originally published in The Miami News-Record, July 2020 Everything is different now. I’m not just talking about masks and social distancing...