Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Offensiveness and Avoidance

Why's everyone hatin' on the mommy bloggers, stay-at-home moms and housewives?

I don't get it.

If mommy bloggers aren't your thing, don't read them. That's right, I said it - don't read them. It's pretty simple. Last time I logged onto the internet (like, just now) there wasn't a guy standing over me with a bull whip telling me I HAD to read political blogs. Because if that had happened, I'm not sure I'd be here right now. I love me some WynnBlog, but it's not for the political content. I love my uncle who is a state representative, too, but not for his political content either.

All this is coming because I'm absolutely perturbed about the hatin' I'm reading as a result of the 2008 Okie Blog Awards results. Which, in case you've been hanging out under a large rock as of late, I did not win Best Humor Blog this year. No, I did not earn the right to obnoxiously use the term "threepeat" at will alllllllll over my sporatic and scarce blog posts. Oh, don't worry about hiding the razors or dumping all the sleeping pills down the toilet. I'm strangely not suicidal over it. Because my fellow Okie Bloggers voted and deemed me not as funny as in years past. And I'm okay with that.

Do I feel compelled to say nasty things about ♥ Georgie♥ this year's winner? Absolutely not! She's funny AND she comments here and hey, I don't comment on very many blogs so she's like, already nicer than me. So she likes ♥ s and misses a few typos....WHO CARES? I typo all the dang time - just have a look at my Facebook updates and you'll see that first-hand. As for the hearts....hey, everyone needs their "thing." I got smacked last year repeatedly during the nominations and voting and subsequent awards because of the whole redneck thing. But that redneck "thing" is my thing and I'm not changing. I doubt Georgie will either.

We all age. Just because I'm 36 or because Georgie is 38 does not make us harpies or menopausal or even old crones OR any less of a blogger than a teen who blogs. Or a snarky 30-something bachelor. Or a pastor. Or a guy who is positive I'm out to get him.

I am a housewife, yes. It's what I do. It's my job. I am so blessed to be able to stay at home while my husband earns a living. Am I less of a person because I'm not in the traditional workforce? I have something to say and it's no less important than an executive's opinions. Granted, a CEO of a major corporation may not have as SERIOUS opinions about cleaning products as I do, but I still believe in my GreenWorks wipes.

By lumping all bloggers into the same category is like dumping Republicans and Democrats into a pot and saying they're all alike. Ahem, no they aren't. Duh. The internet, the blogging community and yes, Oklahoma is made up of all sorts of people. We're all different and we have varying opinions, likes and dislikes. (Oh my gosh, I'm sounding like one of those The More You Know PSAs.....moving on.....)

Some women are home-schooling mommas. Do I homeschool? Heavens no. I am not NEAR patient enough to educate my children in any kind of a structured manner other than taking them all into the yard to watch the twister come at us. Do I talk smack about homeschooling mommies? Absolutely not. You can't belittle just because it isn't your thing.

If it's not your thing and it bothers you, avoid it. I personally avoid brussel sprouts because they offend me. There are websites out there I avoid because they offend me. So y'all just hush now, okay?

I guess I just needed to get that off my chest.

♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥


Going Like Sixty said...

## Jumps Up ##

"Best Humor" is just so lame. "Best Life-is-fun" "Best Irreverence" "Best Snark" are all better.

But being a poor looser like the link is just wrong.

Going Like Sixty said...

aHA! the chicken bleep at lost ogle closed comments. What a wuss.

Unknown said...

Great post Diva! Very well said...with class

Jill of All Trades said...

You go girl!!!Woot, woot, woot!

Melessa Gregg said...

I was hoping you would sound off on this! I think I might too. Though I'm not likely to say it this well. Brava!

Idabel Oklahoma said...

And your chest looks so much better now. GOT MILK?

Saska said...

For some reason I thought you'd say something about that post. Well written. Some people can still be nice and get their point across.

Anonymous said...

I have no clue what your talking about but good for you! I was thinking of leaving a snarky comment about you offending me in some way but well..you know where I live and work and play. Have I mentioned my cake bowl is empty?

Anonymous said...

Preach it, friend!!

I'm not sure exactly what you're talking about, but I know generally - thanks for voicing it so well!!!!

You know I love ya' here in NC!

Anonymous said...

I just tried to check the link - looks like someone got the heck out of dodge, huh?

Cazzie!!! said...

Being a mum at any time is the HARDEST JOB EVER! I have these four precious kids. My husband works. I work when he has day off. Not every day he has off, but just some of them. That is because I will not pay the exhorbidant amount carers charge to mind my kid, PLUS, I had these rat bags and so I don't want someone else bringing them up for me.
When I do work, I love it, I love being a nurse...it is my time away from home. Even if I work in the ER it is still not as hard as being a stay at home mum.
Diva... you are wonderful, don't ever change. I haven't followed what is going on here but I gather someone has not made you happy. They are not worth it! Stay strong woman..you rock!

CGHill said...

I was really hoping that they'd invent a Best Fossil award and hand it to me in perpetuity, but since it didn't happen...


Then again, I like Brussels sprouts, so obviously I'm deranged. ;)

Anonymous said...

you are absolutly worthless. Go get a job.

Anonymous said...

you are so far from any sort of diva status, its ridiculous.

Redneck Diva said...

Anonymous - And you, my unknown friend, need to go back and take a middle school English class.

Jane - If you had taken the time to read further than one post, you'd know it's pretty much a tongue-in-cheek nickname.

You know, The Lost Ogle is raking us mommy bloggers over the coals for supposedly "attacking" on behalf of Georgie, but it seems their readers are way more vicious and hateful.

Okie Rednecks said...

None of us would be here without their mother.... I hope that these people realize this....

We....the people

Originally published in The Miami News-Record, July 2020 Everything is different now. I’m not just talking about masks and social distancing...