First off, Sam's room.
Really, I didn't do much in his room. Last year we painted his room brown to match Tow Mater, but he's since progressed perilously close to puberty and decided that Lightning and his merry band of gearheads had to go. He opted for camo because well....he's a redneck-in-training.

I do apologize for the low light quality. It's cloudy today and I couldn't get any natural light and the overhead light wasn't any better. Trust me when I say his curtains are camo. And the poster? Star Wars. Geek meets backwoods. Great.
This is the wall lettering I did for him from Uppercase Living. He wasn't sure about basketball this year or any year, for that matter, so I didn't really want to put a lot of basketball-heavy stuff on his walls because his next interest may be shell reloading or macrame or whatever, so I figured I'd just make his name in HUGE LETTERS to slap on the wall.
This is Ab's room before. She had quit sleeping on the loft bed because at 5'4" she couldn't do anything more than lie down in her bed. She had been sleeping on a mattress in her floor for quite awhile before her daddy finally relented to take down the bed and move it across the hall.
Here's her room now. She and little sister swapped beds, loft for bunk. Pretty good trade. She was sleeping on the top bunk, but has since decided that's a great place for all the rogue dolls and animals she can't part with. She says she'll move back up to the top bunk in the winter because she learned last year that heat rises. Truthfully, she probably learned it years before, but just retained that knowledge last year.
No curtains on that window because she kind of lost one of the brackets. Yeah.
Here is a horrible picture of her curtains on the other window - SKULLS! Mom ordered these from the ABC catalog and she could hardly wait for the Amish to leave so she could put them up. Wish you could see them better...

And below is the reason I'm sorely tempted to take over Abby's top bunk. We are totally Team Jacob in this house. Le sigh.... Oh and the "practically perfect" lettering is from Uppercase Living as well. I put it on her wall to describe her, but I'm thinking it describes young Taylor as well. Yum.
This is Kady's room before. All pink and berry-rific. Gag. She outgrew Strawbaby Shootcake a lonnnnnng time ago, but it just never seemed a priority to redecorate. I'm so glad we finally did. It's berry much better.
Here's the loft bed in her room. She's only standing 4'4" right now, so she'll be able to use it awhile. Thankfully. I'm not sure her daddy's going to want to dismantle it again any time soon.
Santa brought the desk last year and had to bring it in blue because that's all had. Because that's all the elves had made and had shipped to apparently. So now I'm on a mission to find purple/lavender cloth baskets to replace the blue ones. If you see any let me know. Please.
And since her room is now done in everyone's favorite pixie-turned-fairy (Something I'm still not happy about. People at Walt Disney, I am talking to you. Tink is a pixie. End of story.) I went with this lettering from Uppercase Living:
Precious, huh?
And now, last but certainly not least, and I still have the sore muscles and splinters to prove it, the living room!
Below is a picture from several years ago, but it's the only picture I could easily find of the living room before we started painting because Paul kind of started before I knew he was in the process of gettin' 'er done and he insisted I just jump in and not go around "snapping stupid pictures" like I always do.
Notice the dark paneling and the bookshelves next to the fireplace. Now you see 'em....
Now you don't. I was never so glad to get rid of a set of shelves in my life! I also didn't realize how taking them down would open up the room before we ever began to put paint to wall.
I still cannot get over how gigantic the room looks now. Whoever invented paneling, especially dark paneling, should be dragged into the street and shot. Seriously.
Here's a shot down the hall. Yes, I know the entry wall and hallway look like two different colors, but they are the same - the color of chocolate pudding. Trust me on this. The color down the hall is actually closer to what it really looks like. That entry wall really does look like peanut butter, though.
This is the view from the other end of the room. The paint was barely dry before the deer was hung back up. Partly because I think Paul feels like nothing in the world is right when it's not there and partly because after it laying in my office floor for three days I got tired of it still scaring the poo right out of me when I'd walk out there.
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