Here's a shot of the clothesline. Duh.
Possum #1. Hangin' out on the outhouse.
View from the road.
Possum #2. Lookin' for some vittles.
This sign drives Abby nuts. One of her friends was with us the other night when we went through. She asked, " misspelled 'very'?" Abby rolled her eyes and said, "Ugh. Mom did it on purpose."
Ooh and here we catch a rare glimpse of Redneckus Americus Oklahominid in his native habitat. See how he interacts with the pastel fowl surrounding him.
If you're close enough to NE Oklahoma to come through here you really need to see it in person. And if you've been through, please leave a comment! I'd like to see if anyone is actually paying attention to the giant sign with my web address on it.
I absolutely LOVE it! Almost enough to make the 8+ hour trip to see it in person.
Now I know what happened to your trailer! Love the display.
Yeh, so I just got a site...http://outskirtsofcrazy.blogspot
Check me out so you can get ppl liking me too! So glad y'all came down yesterday!!!
Awesome! I love the spirit you show for Christmas :)
I saw it! I saw it! Course I almost hurled in front of it but I saw it!!!
Were the possums part of the display last year? Wasn't sure if they were new additions, or if I just didn't notice last year.
OMGoodness! We have flamingos in our "white trash holiday" display too!
we've been trashing the neighborhood's over-the-top, way too time consuming, unspoken holiday competition for 4 years now. they absolutely hate our tackiness! they'd DIE if we worked possums into the display. hehehe
I LOVE IT!!!!!
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